Ooh, cool, found a city nearby I didn't know existed. #Casmalia. Apparently it's next to a SuperFund site. #SantaBarbaraCounty #SantaBarbara https://cumulis.epa.gov/supercpad/SiteProfiles/index.cfm?fuseaction=second.Cleanup&id=0901257#Status
I'm going to guess the Russians have this on their nuclear warhead targeting list, LOL. #Casmalia
Wow, I did not know they had #Reagan's head on an obelisk out in the middle of Santa Barbara County, LOL.
Well, if you visit ol' Ronnie at the missile defense site, make sure you are playing this #Genesis video for ambiance. It fits well with the theme! #LandOfConfusion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq7FKO5DlV0
@ai6yr key word there is "middle" ?
Don't miss the fossils in the construction.
@ai6yr that trail appears to be restricted access since on active military reservation (Vandy)
@n1vux Interesting!
@ai6yr oh wow, I remember that video. It was disturbing.
@ai6yr lol I guess if they haven't updated their targeting maps in a while
@douglasvb Eh, probably keep them all on, plenty of warheads to go around.
@ai6yr warhead sponges!